Friday, 16 October 2009

Testing the water

Now you might hate me for this, but I'm one of those awful people who, when on a diet, will weigh themselves every day. I know there is advice against it because your weight fluctuates and you could see that after a really good day you've gained weight and get demotivated, etc, therefore it's better to do it weekly - But I really can't. As soon as I wake up and think about my weight, the scales start to stare at me blankly until I've done it.

I do however think it's a good idea to have a weigh-in one or two days into a new diet to see whether it agrees with you - If you start a new diet and after two days your weight has gone up, then that would be a warning sign to me that there could be an issue as it's practically impossible to go up in those first few days in my experience.

So I've had a little weigh in to test the water and can confirm that the Water & Baguette diet looks like it could be a good one;

14/10/09 - 125kg
16/10/09 - 122kg

Now I know, it's only been 2 days so this is hardly accurate and will indeed change, however 3kg in 2 days certainly shows that it's at least going to move in the right direction - woot!

I am however really quite hungry, so we'll just take that as it comes and try to drink more water I guess.

I'm now going to work for my lunch by walking to a supermarket that's an hour away to buy my baguette(s) for today and then walking all the way back again. Today is also day one of not smoking so this could be an interesting walk!


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